Sunday, July 04, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
What embellishments? and Tearoom ideas!
UKScrappers Challenge Scrapbook Page
As some of you may remember I am part of a Scrapbooking “cyber” team over on and this week it was our Team’s turn to set the Challenge for anyone who wants to take part.
This is what it says…
What Embellishments?
I received a request for my advice today on the subject of embellishments, and what to use. I have been asked this question a number of times, different types of photos, but it’s the same answer I give.Of course there are many themed embellishments out there, you know, such as dog bone brads!, but I [...]
So Much More to Come!
I have such plans for the Tearooms, but we have been sooooo busy (which is fantastic) that I have not had a chance to organise much.Firstly, due to demand, we have made some Gluten [...]
Time for a Change!
... “of what?” you may ask.
Well sometimes you just need a change of scenery! this was my scenery this afternoon, after deciding that I needed to “get out” and clear my head of numbers! [...]
Posted by
1:41 am
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Journaling Techniques 2 and 3, Scrapbook Sketch, Pages...
Wow, I can't believe it's been so long that I have been away from this blog?! I have been sooo busy with the Tearooms and trying to update blog that I have been tardy on keeping this one up. First time in quite a few years I can tell you!
Keeping it short again with some (hopefully) self-explanatory links!
I Made It - Scrapbook Page by SundayL
Journaling Technique Number 2 - Lists
Journaling Technique Number 3 - Other People’s WordsScrapbooking Sketch and Challenge - April/May 2010
Video Tutorial - Border Page Accents for Scrapbook Pages
Multi-Photo Scrapbook Page using a Border Page Accent
Posted by
11:17 pm
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Journaling Tip 1 and More Tearooms Snippets

So here are some links... some scrapping, some tearoom, all possibly of interest?
Journaling Technique Number 1 - Keep it Basic
Links to interesting articles on other people's sites
Nice Layout by Scrapperlicious
Nice bit of layering (of stamped images)
Tearooms related
The Tally Ho Tearooms - Official Teapot sign!!
A Wow Week at the Tearooms
Oh My Word!
Posted by
10:20 pm
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Scrapbooking vertical page design, tea themed card and just plain busy!
Sunday's Weekly Round-Up - 28th March 2010
I've been sooooooo busy, and you know what with... yes the Tearooms! I missed last weeks update, I know, I will be back as soon as the Tearooms is up and running, I promise!
We open in a few days, so I'm not going to waffle, just give you some links!
I hope you are all enjoying your scrapbooking!
Scrapbooking - Vertical Page Design
Tea themed card (BG Nook & Pantry)
And about the tearooms...
Are we official Now then?
Posted by
10:06 pm
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Video Tutorial for saving Scrapbook Inspiration, a Sketch and a Cards
Posted by
8:42 pm
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Scrapbooking without photos, more Kids Albums and a Valentine Card
Sunday's Weekly Round-Up 28th February 2010
Scrapbooking without photos - it CAN be done!
Here is a quick(ish) scrapbook page I made recently. You can see I have no photographs on this page. Instead I have used the piece of paper which my daughter had written on as my focal point...
Kids Scrapbooking Classes- Paper Bag Albums for Ages 9-11
I took two different classes at Honey’s school… the Juniors… the subject of the earlier post and the seniors, here are their finished Paper Bag Albums...
Simple Valentines card
I reaslise that it’s a week later, but here is the photograph of the Valentines card I made for my husband.As my other half likes chocolate so much...
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7:40 pm