Sunday, August 10, 2008

From Event to Scrapbook within 24hrs

I made it!!! I made the scrapbooking page - even with no photos of my own - within 24hrs of coming home from the event!! Woo hoo!
See this post if you are confused!! LOL
It's an 8x6 page, which I will be adding to my "Random Things" Album.
Thte background is Dovecraft paper put directly through my printer for the journaling and title.
The Tote tickets were the big pile of "Non-Winners", so I thought I would tie them with some fibres just to give the impressiono f a big pile!!! Just to emphasis the point of how useless we were at picking the winners! 3 out of 14... better than non I suppose! LOL
The picture of the racing dogs you will recognise from the picture I used for yesterday's post! and I just hand wrote today's date and did a bit of doodling!
Phew! What a rush... took about 30 minutes. Should I mention I was drawing a scrapbooking sketch while I was at the races??? LOL

1 comment:

AuroraDawn said...

Well done Sunday, to get a LO finished so quickly is quite an achievement. I wish I could do that on a daily basis - would soon fill the albums :)