Saturday, May 24, 2008

Scrapbooking Taster Workshop more pictures

As promised, here are the rest of the pictures from the ladies who took part in the Workshop last Tuesday.

As you can see from these (and those posted yesterday) even real beginners, who have never done anything like scrapbooking before, can achieve great results for their photographs.

I always demonstrate, and make up kits for, 8x8" scrapbooking pages. It is so much more satisfying for beginners, and much easier to achieve fast results.

And don't forget that you can actually get quite a lot of photographs on an 8x8" page, just print your pictures smaller, or crop originals down. There is usually quite a lot of background you can crop off photos to get in tight to your subject thus making the pictures dimensions much smaller.

Great news for all those photos where you are "somewhere" in the picture! - oh and don't be afraid to shave off a bit of head, arm or body either... just makes the focus on the face/expression much stronger... trust me, it works!
Anyway... once again, well done to all the ladies who took part on Tuesday at Bungay.


prRiggs said...

I am trying to create a digital scrapbook page that I can then upload to my blog or import it as a photo. How did you add these scrapbook pages to your blog? Is there a good program or website?
Thanks, Puzzled

SundayL said...

Hello "prriggs",
Can't find a way to contact you directly through your blooger profile so I will answer here...
With what are you trying to make a digital scrapbook page?
I use Photoshop Elements and recently reviewing Scrapbook Max program(review to be posted shortly)both of which you "save as" the file into JPEG format for printing and for uploading onto the web. Just reduce the size or resolution of the image for the web.
Get in touch with me directly then I can help.

Click "View my complete profile" (under my pic on the left hand side) you'll find an email link. Good luck.